
TV That's Just Stupid Enough

As many people know, it all started at Cable Access. What most people may not know is just how that happened. Seems we were just screwing around playing with video and music and stuff down at the local Raleigh NC cable access studio, (we might have been trying to get a macro shot of a cockroach chasing down a cookie crumb in the back corner of the studio or something, who knows) when the head of the place, "Lisa the Cable Babe" as we later named her blurted out, "Hey, you guys are funny, why don't you do a cable show?" It seemed nuts to us but that's when the wheels started turning.
At the time on cable access God and the Mayor were the 2 most watched programs. Pretty stiff competition. We figured that we could be number 3 for sure. Besides, general television was filled with virtually any idiot babbling on and on about all kinds of things and we thought, "Hey, we're no worse than anyone else," and there you have it. We didn't think we were too stupid, or not stupid enough, we figured that we were just stupid enough. And so, the concept behind our show and our tag line was born. Television That's Just Stupid Enough.