And so, Earth Day part deuce...
Earth Day Part 2
OK, so the first Earth Day post didn't catch Bill with his shades off because Bill is always with shades. It's like 2 things that always go together -- baseball and apple pie, Earth Day and green stuff, Lady and GaGa. In any case, this part of the show really has something very significant to offer the viewers in terms of ways to help the world learn to be more environmentally responsible. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle -- People, Planet, Profit -- Homer, Simpson, Re-runs. Really important stuff.
Earth Day Part One
Happy Earth Day! It's amazing what scientists can do these days. They have actually pinpointed that today is the actual day that the earth began with a big bang at the hand of the mighty creator. Amazing. It's like CSI for the beginning of time. Now if they can only figure out when and where Spam came from all would be right with the world.
Needless to say Rob and Bill have always been at the cutting edge of taking care of their planet mother earth. Why just last week Rob was seen petting a fern. This post highlights the first time Rob and Bill decided to feature the big blue planet and bring attention to Earth Day as an event. Here is part one and the show open where Rob attempts to catch Bill for the first time ever without his shades.
Death And Taxes
So it's that time of year again where we voluntarily give the fools in Washington DC our money so they can waste it on $900 toilets and $300 cheese. One thing is for sure, since the Boston Tea party Americans have become so busy that we barely even think about how much money we give away despite the endless reports on how much waste politicians can keep producing. We've even forgot that we will actually die some day.
Rob and Bill know that there are 2 things in life that none of us will escape, death or taxes. Rob and Bill decided to educate us all on the importance of a deeper understanding of both. April 15th is coming soon so don't delay. errr, uhhhh....don't delay in paying your taxes. You can delay the death part as long as possible but in the end, you will have to pay the grim reaper both.
Macro Dog - Close Up and Personal
What is funnier than food? Nothing really. Americans eat just about anything and it should be celebrated. Some
cities are thinking of boycotting meat one day a week but Rob and Bill think that's anti American. Perhaps in those tofu towns it would make more sense to put chili on broccoli and add bacon to the green beans. Rob and Bill celebrate funky food, with or without meat, for or against tofu, and with or without extra fat. Today we celebrate the Macro Dog.

Back to School - Cool Words And How To Use Them

It's the new year and kids everywhere have gone back to school. Sometimes after the holiday break they pick up new lingo, phrases, and words. Every once in a while a word will stick. Like dude. Who invented that word anyway dude? Dude, man. Dudeman. It can be used so many ways to convey so many emotions.
One day Rob and Bill ran into a dude man who gave us all a lesson on how words can be used and how cool words can be if they are put in the right place the right way. Listen up class, professor Dallas is teaching...

Anyway, here are the top 5 Rob-isms...
1. Always use your condiments.
2. They see us, they know us they love us, it's all about talk show staff badges.
3. Is Mr. Potato Head fried?
4. Hey, watch that pickle Mr.
5. Isn't a moldy mushroom redundant?
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